

Product Name: Rexobol 10 mg
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Substance: Stanozolol
Package: 10 mg (50 pills)


Rexobol (Stanozolol) is a steroid-classified substance, which is a modified form of dihydrotestosterone. Changes in the chemical structure form some features that increase the anabolic activity by several times, and the androgenic deficiency is reduced. Thus, we have a unique drug with certain properties. The substance doesn’t practically affect the androgen receptor, while Stanozolol’s half-life in the blood is quite long compared with other quick acting anabolics. Stanozolol also can inhibit the blood binding proteins. Rexobol is an anabolic steroid produced in India by Alpha Pharma, it has the biggest difference between anabolic action and androgenic activity among all existing AAS (Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids) and therefore, it has no predisposition to aromatization, which makes the drug one of the safest and most popular steroids. 

History of origin

Humanity learned about Stanozolol for the first time in 1959-1984. Winstrol is the primary name of the drug, which was developed by Winthrop Laboratory (In England). But two years later, the US opened a patent on the substance, and eventually Sterling Drug (In the USA) received the rights to develop it. In 1962, the drug was officially registered and entered the drug market. Winstrol can now only be bought with a prescription. Originally, Stanozolol had a medical use. It had proven itself in the treatment of Osteoporosis and other bone diseases, as well as in breast cancer and the treatment of Quincke’s edema.


Among bodybuilders, Stanozolol has become popular due to its efficiency in the so-called drying cycles. The long period of presence of the substance in the body, which lasts up to one year, makes taking this drug impossible for athletes who have to undergo a doping test before their competitions. If not for this circumstance, Rexobol would be the best steroid in the pre-competition period. The steroid does not affect the athlete’s body weight, but can give the muscles a finished and defined look. This means that the muscles are completely dried out, the vascularity and depth of the muscles increases, fat is burned and the muscles become well defined and with beautiful look.

General reports on the efficiency of the drug:

   – Maximum increases in muscle definition and the user also becomes more vascular;    – A significant increase in strength and endurance;    – Is a good fat burning substance;    – Increases the appetite;    – It can increase the level of globulin by 50 %, this enhances the activity of other anabolic steroids;    -It as an anti-estrogenic and anti-progestogenic effect.

Rexobol: Cycles, dosage and intake

The cycle of taking Stanozolol is often used by athletes, powerlifters and arm wrestlers to increase strength and explosive power without increasing their weight. This drug is also used in bodybuilding for muscle drying purposes. Here are some basic rules for when administering this drug:    – The recommended dose of Rexobol varies from 30-50mg daily;    – The cycle lasts from 4-6 weeks in duration;    – At the end of the cycle, after two days, PCT (post-cycle therapy) is required;    – For the best results, take sports nutrition supplements along with Stanozolol. In reviews of Rexobol, many athletes recommend taking Rexobol along with drugs that retain water, such as Testosterone Enanthate. This reduces the risk of negative effects on connective tissues (i.e. the joints and ligaments). In addition, the effect of Rexobol in combination with other AAS increases by several times.

Side effects

The drug is not converted to the female sex hormone estrogen, so there are no adverse reactions such as gynecomastia or fluid retention.

Minor side effects:

   – Rexobol (Stanozolol) can dry out not only muscles, but also the ligaments and joints. There is a risk of injuries and inflammation in these areas. Therefore, during the cycle of Stanozolol, it is desirable to reduce the workload with lighter weights. Also, some of the possible effects include:  – Provokes an increase in blood pressure;  – Increases the cholesterol index; – May suppress the natural testosterone. It is recommended to take Gonadotropins during the cycle; – Hepatotoxicity, increased load on the liver; – At high doses it can cause myocardial hypertrophy. Please note: Most of these side effects that are noted above, only occur when the drug dosages are abused, or the durations of the cycle length are extended. If you follow all of the rules of the administration of this drug, no side effects should occur.  In the Winstrol pills section you can see products from other manufacturers. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the full section of Oral Steroids. Delivery of Winstrol 10mg to the USA is carried out within 5-12 business days. If you have any problems, you can always contact our customer service team. We can also recommend a pro-member of the IFBB site if you want to get more information about Winstrol and get unbiased reviews about different brands of this steroid, the best Winstrol Cycles for beginners, results and proper PCT.