

Product Name: Clen-Max 40 mcg
Manufacturer: Maxtreme Pharma
Substance: Clenbuterol Hydrochloride
Package: 40 mcg (100 pills)

Description is one of the only stores which provides real unpacking videos of genuine Clenbuterol and other products!

Clen-Max is an extremely popular stimulant drug that is utilized by men, women, and celebrities all over the globe for fitness and aesthetic purposes. The active substance, Clenbuterol Hydrochloride, is a drug that belongs to the group of fat-burners. Clenbuterol functions as a very potent and Steroids for Women powerful fat-burner, making it one of the most sought-after substances on today’s market!  Although, Clenbuterol for sale also has beneficial medicinal properties and is still used not only in sports, but also in medicine. People with chronic breathing disorders such as asthma use this as a bronchodilator to make it easier for them to breathe.  Clenbuterol is very safe to use and is not an anabolic drug and this is why it is used by most celebrities globally to gain their amazing physiques after just a few cycles. 

Clenbuterol pills for weight loss 

Along with its beneficial effects of opening the bronchi in the lungs to provide you with more endurance, Clenbuterol will provide you with the ability to burn fat from any form of exercise including walking, jogging, running, skipping and more.  Clen pills are used by all celebrities, including Kim Kardashian, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. It has been called “Hollywood’s dirty little secret” because it is the ultimate drug for losing weight in a short amount of time.  When cutting or wanting to burn fat, the idea is to strip away any excess fat, along with any additional fat intakes being used for energy rather than stored. Clenbuterol for sale online works by binding directly onto receptors located in the body that respond to adrenaline which is a hormone that is secreted via the adrenal glands.  It is a derivative of the amino acid tyrosine, and it plays a crucial role in a person’s fight or flight reactions and this is why it slightly raises the body’s temperature level and heart rate, which puts you in a state to start burning fat immediately!  

The effect of Clenbuterol in bodybuilding 

The advantage of the drug among bodybuilders is a strong anti-catabolic effect. During drying and weight loss after bulking cycles, it is important for them to preserve muscles and prevent their destruction.   The drug is typically used during the rest period from steroids as it also prevents the accumulation of fat after the end of the cycle.  Reviews of Clenbuterol online by bodybuilders are, as a rule, positive. Professional athletes note a powerful effect on fat burning and optimal muscle preservation.  

Recommended dosage of Clenbuterol 

Clen pills are suitable for anyone regardless of gender and age, although the dosages will differ slightly. Experts recommend a smaller dosage for women than for men. For men, the maximum advised Clen dosage is 140mcg per day. For women, a clenbuterol for sale dose of 80mcg is the maximum that is recommended.  The Clenbuterol cycle should last no longer than 2-3 weeks since after this period, the body becomes tolerant to the drug, and its effectiveness decreases rapidly. Therefore, after the Clen cycle, you should stop taking the drug for at least the same length of time.  You should start taking Clenbuterol at 20mcg per day. Gradually, this amount increases and by the middle of the cycle to 140mcg for men and 80mcg for women. The intake takes place by a pyramid effect and by the end of the cycle, the dosage is reduced until it is completely discontinued.   Do not deviate from the stated dosage and regimen. If you forget to take a pill, you need to continue as usual without increasing the amount. 

Side effects of Clenbuterol pills 

Athletes should reconsider taking the drug if they have any disorders in the body (heart disorders, kidney failure, diabetes, various heart defects). Clen pills have rare side effects that may appear in some people including a lack of appetite, nausea, tremors of the hands and body, increased sweating, sleep disorder, and anxiousness.   These side effects should disappear when the use of the drug is stopped. The drug works more effectively and with less side effects if you stick to a diet and do not skip workouts. 

Buy Clenbuterol in the USA at a favorable price 

In our online store you can buy pharmacological preparations for the fight against subcutaneous fat and a number of other means for use in sports practice. We offer original products of high quality, fast delivery, and the best level of service. When buying from our steroid store, you will not risk your health and will only receive drugs from leading pharmaceutical companies at the most favorable price.  Start burning fat efficiently and effectively today and gain that celebrity body with ease!  In the Clenbuterol pills section you can see products from other manufacturers. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the full section of Fat Burners, or visit our sister site to buy clenbuterol online.  Delivery of Clenbuterol 40mcg to the USA and other countries is carried out within 5-12 business days. queries or problems, you can always contact our customer service team for help.