Tri Tren 150


Product Name: TriTren 150 mg/ml
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Substance: Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Enanthate, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
Package: 10 ml vial (150 mg/ml)


Tren 150 is a fat-soluble injectable steroid of anabolic and androgenic nature, also known under the commercial name Tren-Mix. Previously, the drug was used in veterinary practice to stimulate weight growth and improve appetite in cattle. It is considered the most powerful drug for increasing the power of an athlete and stimulating muscle growth. It is available only in injectable form for intramuscular administration, the price for the drug in the USA is quite high, but the cost of Tri Tren is not an obstacle for those who have already passed the Trenbolone mix course and know about its properties. If you need results and quality, this drug is exactly what you are looking for. Tri Tren 150 itself, as it is briefly called in the sport society, contains a ready-made course that includes three different Trenbolone esters, each of them performs a certain function that as a combination, gives a powerful, visible effect.  

Briefly about each ester:

Trenbolone acetate. It is the widely known and most popular form of Trenbolone, having the shortest period of action. The ether itself is soaked into the fat layer of the skin and then gradually released in the blood. A small degree of half-life requires the need for frequent injections, which makes the drug problematic for beginners. Tren Acetate is also considered the weakest of all components, nevertheless it is valued for the speed of the result and quality. Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, aka Parabolan. The rarest form, which is often found in various mixes, has not shown itself in the pharmacology market for a long time. It has a good anabolic and androgenic effect on the body. Trenbolone Enanthate, based on the characteristics, has many similarities with the previous Trenbolone ester with a stronger and longer-lasting effect. The period of action is about 10 days from the moment of injection. It gives the musculature volume, rigidity and a beautiful shape.

Taxonomy and Tren 150 profile

The drug is not called the most powerful steroid for nothing, because its effect exceeds the coefficient of testosterone by five times. Buy tren-150 is famous for its ability to give an increase in the athlete’s mass, strength and power in a very short time, while muscle building occurs qualitatively without fluid retention, the mass comes out dry and drawn. The drug is quickly activated, after a couple of days the athlete feels a surge of strength and energy, and by the end of the week the appearance of the muscles changes noticeably, weight and strength indicators increase. At the same time, it will be important to say that often inexperienced athletes who want great results have the impulsiveness to exceed the dosage or the duration of the course, which leads to a high frequency of adverse reactions. Tren 150 for sale flooded the market very quickly, gained popularity in many ways, due to the lack of aromatization under the influence of which testosterone is converted into estrogen, together with this, Trenbolone has also become considered one of the safest mass-gaining steroids existing at this time. Trenbolone is based on the hormone progesterone, as a result of which the natural release of progesterone by the testis is suppressed. Often, bodybuilders are faced with testicular atrophy, decreased libido and a sluggish erection. Taking into account the progestin activity, it has a lot in common with Deca, having a 19 derivative of testosterone.

Effect and action

– A significant increase in muscle mass, the solo course increases the weight of the athlete by 8-10kg. – Promotes the burning of fat deposits. Trenbolone esters stimulate the pituitary that releases growth hormone. – Increase in sexual activity and libido during the course. – Anti-catabolic effect (blockade of the hormone cortisol). – An insulin-like growth factor that literally bursts the user’s eyes. – Increase in strength indicators by 40-45%.  

The solo course of  Tren 150

Any courses where purchase Tren 150 is present are completely unsuitable for beginners and women. The higher the dosage, the greater the risk of an adverse reaction. There are general recommendations that make it possible to model safe courses in order to obtain an instant and visible result. Firstly, Tren 150 is able to accumulate by the body, therefore you should not set the maximum dosage, it is recommended to start small, gradually increasing the dose to the optimal one: such a move makes it possible to monitor the reaction of the body, and in case of negative side effects, exclude the drug from taking it in time. The average dosage of Tri Trenbolone per week is 300mg-400mg. In order to avoid a decrease in the levels of the substance in the blood (steroid pit), it is recommended to administer two injections per week. Secondly, when taking a steroid for longer than five weeks, we recommend that you include Gonadotropin (Pregnyl) from the second week of the course, 500-1000 IU/ml weekly, until the end of the third week after cancellation of the drug. Post-course therapy should be included 2-3 weeks after the end of the course, when the drug completely disappears from the body. The basic Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) remedy in the case of Trenbolone is Clomid. Tamoxifen intensifies progestin effects; therefore, it is advisable not to resort to it.

What is the best way to combine it with other AAS?

The combined course with Tri Tren online can be different, but if we are talking about mass gain, you will not need this section, because the steroid itself copes with this task perfectly. The course for dry weight is made up by a combination of Trenbolone with Anavar or Winstrol, in this case, the weekly dosage of each of the drugs is reduced by half. This course lasts no longer than 8 weeks, without taking anti-estrogens. In experienced professional athletes, Trenbolone is combined with Testosterone or Nandrolone, with a course duration of up to 15 weeks. The risk of side effects with this course is about 70%.  

Side effects

When taking the drug in high dosages or for too long, side effects may occur, such as: – increased blood pressure; – excessive aggression; – oily skin, as a result of acne; – hair loss; – testicular atrophy, decreased libido and suppression of testosterone release; – staining of urine in red.   In the Tri Trenbolone injection section you can see all of the Trenbolone mix products that we have for sale. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the full section of Injectable Steroids. The price of tri-tren 150 is higher than some other drugs available in our catalog, due to its very strong ability to quickly gain weight in a short period of time, it is manufactured with high-class equipment by the most famous world manufacturers of pharmacology. We provide the best way for you to buy Tri Tren at the lowest price and reading reviews by real buyers will convince you to purchasing Tri Tren and other steroids specifically from us. Delivery of Tri Tren 150 to the USA is carried out within 5-12 business days. If you have any problems or questions about Tri Tren, you can always feel free to contact our customer service team for further assistance.

Tren 150 for sale

If you’re in search of premium performance-enhancing compounds, look no further than Tren 150 for sale in the USA. At Monster Steroids, we offer you the exclusive opportunity to buy Tren 150 online and experience the incredible benefits of this powerful steroid blend. Whether you’re a seasoned bodybuilder or an athlete striving for peak performance, Tren 150 is a game-changer you don’t want to miss.

Buying Tren 150 has never been easier. With our convenient online platform, you can purchase Tren 150 in the USA from the comfort of your own home. Tren 150 is a potent tri-blend of Trenbolone esters, designed to provide outstanding muscle gains, increased strength, and accelerated fat loss. It’s trusted by bodybuilders and athletes worldwide for its effectiveness. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to elevate your fitness journey – buy Tren 150 online today and witness the transformation in your performance and physique. Choose Monster Steroids for quality, reliability, and guaranteed results, and take your athletic endeavors to the next level with Tren 150.