Testo Inject 10ml vial (250mg/ml)


Manufacturer: Phoenix Remedies
Substance: Testosterone Enanthate
Package: 10ml vial (250mg/ml)


Testo-Inject is one of the best options for sports doping. It is Testosterone in the form of a long ester, Enanthate, which is absorbed gradually with a corresponding increasing effect. It is actively used both at the amateur and at the professional level. A cycle of Testosterone Enanthate solo is considered optimal for gaining muscle mass and increasing strength performance, which is why not only bodybuilders, but also powerlifters and weightlifters take it. A big advantage of Test Enanthate is its low price and convenient injectable form.

Testosterone Enanthate Action

A well-executed cycle of Test E provides the user with the following positive effects:

  • A pronounced increase in strength performance.
  • Rapid build-up of muscle mass.
  • Fluid gaining and proper muscle formation.
  • Increased strength endurance.
  • Excellent pumping in every workout.
  • Increased libido.
  • Stronger erection.
  • Normalization of mood.
  • Dramatic acceleration of protein synthesis.
  • Rapid recovery between workouts.

How to take Testosterone Enanthate

As far as a solo course of this drug is concerned, we recommend that you start with 250mg per week, and then increase the dosage to 500mg. The limit amount of Testosterone Enanthate solo per week is 1000mg, but even after 750mg, some beginners may experience side effects. It is better for them to stay within the 500mg weekly limit. Methane (Methandienone), Deca (Nandrolone Decanoate), Trenbolone, Anadrol (Oxymetholone) and Boldenone are suitable to be combined in a cycle with Testosterone Enanthate for mass gain. For weight loss and drying cycles, we recommend using soft oral steroids such as Winstrol (Stanozolol), Anavar (Oxandrolone) and Turinabol. Sustanon is an undesirable combination because it already contains long testosterone esters. The dosage of Testosterone Enanthate in a combination cycle should not exceed 500mg per week. The duration of cycles on this drug usually exceeds the standard limits and varies from 6 to 10 weeks.

Side Effects

An overdose (over 1000mg per week) can cause aromatization – the conversion of male hormones into female hormones. As a result, you will get gynecomastia, which is not at all that is expected from a cycle of Testosterone Enanthate. That’s why you should strictly follow the above instructions. If Test Enanthate is taken correctly and in reasonable dosages, there will simply be no side effects. The only thing to mention is blood pressure fluctuations if you are predisposed to it or problems with electrolyte balance.

PCT after Testosterone Enanthate

Because of the long half-life, the post-cycle therapy begins one week after the final Testosterone injection. Use Clomid or Tamoxifen. For the course, you should buy Anastrozole to control aromatization in case of accidental overdosing. Also, any brand of Cabergoline, such as Dostinex, can be useful for the PCT. The average duration of PCT is 2 to 3 weeks. Pay attention to your condition, your mood, and your tests. In the Testosterone Enanthate injection section you can see products from other manufacturers. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the full section of Injectable Steroids. Delivery of Testosterone Enanthate to the USA is carried out within 5-12 business days. If you have any questions at all, you can always contact our customer service team for help. We can also recommend a pro-member of the IFBB site if you want to get more information about Testosterone Enanthate and get unbiased reviews about different brands of this steroid, the best Testosterone Enanthate cycles for beginners, results and proper PCT.