

Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Substance: Stanozolol injection (Winstrol depot)
Package: 10 ampoules (50mg/ml)


Rexogin is an injectable steroid by Alpha Pharma. It contains the active substance, Stanozolol, which, in its oral form, appeared in the middle of the 20th century. Since then, the drug has become incredibly popular in a short period of time. Stanozolol in the form of injections, which is commonly called Winstrol depot, is a modern version and it also has wide popularity in the sports world.

Properties and action

The drug belongs to the group of steroids with mild action and it is actively used among athletes. It also has a low toxicity index, so it does not interfere with liver function. The steroid was originally intended to be used for veterinary medicine, however, Stanozolol has since been recognized to be helpful in sports and regenerative medicine. As a medication, it is used to treat anemia and to relieve swelling to normalize blood composition. The effects of Winstrol contribute to perfect muscle definition and can be used even during pre-competition preparation. A large number of red blood cells saturate muscle cells with oxygen, thus giving an aerobic effect, which in turn promotes development. It is also worth highlighting the fact that Winstrol converts fat fibers into energy, which is extremely beneficial for those who do sports.


Winstrol depot has the ability to provide the following positive effects: improvement of muscle definition, increased endurance, improvement of appetite, getting rid of excess fat and fluid in the body and reducing globin concentration.

How to use Winstrol depot

The recommended dose of injectable Stanozolol is no more than 50 milligrams daily. If you need to increase endurance, it is worth dividing the dosage into 2 injections per day. As for the duration of the Winstrol cycle, it should be about 8 weeks long. It is worth undergoing post-cycle therapy (PCT) almost immediately after the end of the cycle. This often includes Nolvadex and Clomid. Injectable Stanozolol is perfectly combined with other anabolic drugs. For an increase in muscle mass, it is advisable to use powerful androgens like Anadrol or Testosterone. If the goal is for cutting, it is better to use Trenbolone, which is not subject to aromatase action.

Adverse reactions

The beneficial property of Winstrol depot is that it does not show estrogenic effects. However, if an excessive dose is used and the duration of the cycle is too long, you may encounter some unwanted side effects such as: weakening of the ligaments and joints, which can lead to injuries; symptoms of hypertension; lack of natural testosterone production; baldness; acne and problems with the heart and vascular system. If there are negative side effects, it is worth taking post cycle therapy in order to normalize the functioning of the body. In the Winstrol injection section you can see products from other manufacturers. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the full section of Injectable Steroids. Delivery of Winstrol to the USA is carried out within 5-12 business days. If you have any questions, you can always contact our customer service team. We can also recommend a pro-member of the IFBB site if you want to get more information about Winstrol and get unbiased reviews about different brands of this steroid, the best Winstrol Cycles for beginners, results and proper PCT.