Primo Tabs


Product Name: Primo Tabs 25 mg
Manufacturer: Alpha Pharma
Substance: Methenolone Acetate
Package: 25 mg (50 pills)

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Primobolan (Primo Tabs) has always been considered a mild drug and is most effective during the cutting period for both women and men. In this case, you will be able to improve the constitution of the body and prepare for responsible competitions. Note that the anabolic, Primobolan, can be produced both in tablet and injectable form. Primo Tabs contain the active substance Methenolone Acetate, whereas the drug in injectable form is Methenolone with an Enanthate ester attached.  

Positive properties of Primobolan Tablets

The drug has weak anabolic and androgenic properties, which explains its mild effect on the body. Since the androgenic activity of this steroid is small, it is often used by female athletes. The most significant advantage of the steroid is the complete absence of aromatization. Actually, it is for this reason that the drug is actively used for cutting or when gaining a high-quality mass. It also indicates the impossibility of the manifestation of such side effects as gynecomastia and high puffiness due to water retention in the body. All of the above can be confirmed by the reviews of bodybuilders who have repeatedly used this drug.  

Important information about Primobolan

  • The duration of Primobolan tablets is about five hours for the oral form.
  • With the help of modern methods of doping control, the metabolites of the tablet drug can be detected for 6 weeks.
  • With the help of a solo course of the drug, it is almost impossible to gain muscle mass and all of the positive qualities of the drug are manifested during the cutting period.
  • The physical parameters are significantly increased.
  • Metabolic reactions are accelerated.
  • Strong anti-catabolic effect on the body.
  • Oral Primobolan for men should be taken daily in the amount of 50-100 milligrams for beginners. Intermediate to advanced steroid users will take somewhere in the range of 100-200 milligrams per day.
  • A couple of days after the end of the cycle, rehabilitation therapy (PCT) should be started.


Rules for conducting a course with Primobolan Pills

Methenolone Acetate from Alpha Pharma should be taken for no more than two months, since the risks of side effects will increase, and the effectiveness of the anabolic steroid will begin to decrease. We have already noted that Primobolan Tablets can be as effective as possible during cutting. In this situation, you can protect the muscle mass from destruction (catabolism). Since the anabolic activity of Primobolan is relatively small, many bodybuilders are interested in the question of how to get the maximum effect from courses with Primobolan? Excellent combinations are: Primobolan + Testosterone, Primobolan + Methandienone, Primobolan + Nandrolone. The combination of Primobolan Tabs with these anabolics will allow you to gain high-quality mass. For cutting courses, Primobolan + Winstrol will be the best choice. Also note that you should not use more than 3 AAS in one course and their dosages should be half as much as compared to solo use.  

Side effects

It should immediately be said that this is one of the safest steroids. Primobolan tablets, manufactured by Alpha Pharma, are not able to significantly suppress the work of the pituitary fossa. When using this drug at an amount of 50 milligrams for a long period of time, the production of the testosterone will decrease by half, but it can be restored after 7-14 days. Note that although the drug has a fairly large list of possible side effects, in practice they are extremely rare. At the same time, we recommend that you have experience in using more “soft” sports pharmacology, for example: a course of Methandienone solo or Turinabol solo, before using the drug.  

Bodybuilders’ opinions about Primobolan Pills from Alpha Pharma

Professional bodybuilders are extremely reserved about solo courses of this drug and practically do not use the steroid separately from other AAS. But the reviews about the combined courses are positive. Athletes note the excellent ability of Primobolan to maintain muscle mass and improve muscle quality. Side effects during the use of a steroid are very rare and athletes practically do not mention them. In the Primobolan pills section you can see products from other manufacturers. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the full section of Oral Steroids. Delivery of Primobolan Tablets to the USA is carried out within 5-12 business days. If you have any problems or questions regarding Primo Tabs, you can always contact our customer service team.