Boldenate ampoules


Manufacturer: Phoenix Remedies
Substance: Boldenone undecylenate (Equipose)
Package: 10 ampoules (375mg/ml)



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Boldenate, also commonly known as Equipoise, is a popular anabolic steroid. It consists of the bond between the molecular form of Boldenone and the Undecylenate ester, the compound with the ester allows for an increase in the release time and half-life of the substance. The substance is a derivative of testosterone, and therefore retains its anabolic properties, while the androgen rating is quite low. In connection with these features, the drug is expanding its popularization in cycles for drying and the development of strength indicators.  

Influence and action of Equipoise on the body

Boldenone Undecylenate by Phoenix Remedies has a strong anabolic effect with a rather meager androgenic index. Due to the modification of the double bond between the first and second carbon atoms, it has low estrogenic activity. This fact gives Boldenone an advantage in the form of safety, because the risk of aromatization will disappear, although this is not bypassed, with overestimated doses or prolonged use, control over aromatase disappears. The drug is undoubtedly one of the safest anabolic steroids, therefore, in small dosages, it can be recommended as a first cycle for novice chemists. As a rule, this steroid can provide high-quality muscle mass with the same success as with testosterone, but at a much slower pace and without any side effects. This means that muscles built with Equipoise will be drier with a tighter and firmer structure with minimal water retention (depending on the dose, of course). The drug significantly increases appetite and increases the level of red blood cells in the blood, which improves the supply of oxygen to muscle tissue. It develops muscle power and general physical strength of an athlete.  

Instructions for use

For starters, the dosage of Boldenone by Phoenix Remedies should be 375mg per week. For more advanced users, good results are obtained with a dose of 750mg weekly, without the appearance of estrogenic reactions. Some athletes can adjust doses up to 1125mg per week, as lower doses are often insufficient to achieve peak effects. The drug, like Nandrolone Decanoate, takes a long time to activate, this is the main reason that the cycle of Equipoise can reach 14 weeks. Noticeable results will not make you wait, the action of Undecylenate usually begins only in the third week of the cycle. The injections must be performed twice a week. For example, if your weekly dosage is 750mg, split the dose into 375mg on Monday and 375mg on Thursday. The two-dose administration is ideal for maintaining stable levels of the substance in the blood plasma. Depending on the goals and experience of the athlete, the drug can be successfully combined with absolutely any AAS.   Side effects People who are sensitive to the substance or at very high doses may develop gynecomastia, but this phenomenon is not common. Adding Tamoxifen or Proviron to the cycle will eliminate any manifestations of gynecomastia and other adverse reactions associated with aromatization. Rarely, but possible, are acne, increased aggressiveness and increased oily skin. In the Equipoise injection section you can see products from other manufacturers. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with the full section of Injectable Steroids. Delivery of Equipoise to the USA is carried out within 5-12 business days. If you have any questions, you can always contact our customer service team for help.